Dog Constipation Symptoms And Treatment

How To Tell If Your Dog Is Constipated.
Constipation is generally defined as being unable to perform a bowel movement normally. Sof if your dog struggles to pass their own stools then you will want to address the issue immediately before it causes serious problems down the road.
According to Pet Web MD any healthy dog should have 1 to 2 poops per day but note that this average varies per dog and diet. But just because they’re straining doesn’t mean that they’re constipated. They might have diarrhea which is associated more so with intestinal cramping. A better way to tell if your dog is constipated is if they defecate less frequently even though the amount of food they eat hasn't changed.
But that’s not the only symptom of constipation in dogs. If your dog displays the following features, then you’ll want to read the rest of this article to find out how to treat it:
- Straining, crouching or whimpering during bowel moments
- A lack of or noticeable loss of appetite
- Dry pebble-sized stool, fecal matter, or mucus.
- A bulging anal area
- An inflamed asymmetric or red area
- Protruding objects such as grass, dried-up blood, or matted hair and feces
- Lack of stool elimination while straining
- Irregular peeing similar to drips
What Causes Dog Constipation
If your dog hasn’t pooped in over 2 days or display’s the symptoms displayed above, here are possible reasons why. Just like humans, constipation is more common to older dogs but it can any dog no matter the size, breed, or age. Your dog may have eaten an indigestible, unnatural object like a phone, toy or bone. This is by far, the most common reason why your dog is constipated.
More serious causes include but are not limited to
- Dehydration
- Lack of exercise
- A diseased or enlarged prostate
- Mass tumors around the anus
- Allergic reaction to a medication
- Pelvis trauma
- Neurological or psychological disorders such as stress, fear, or anxiety
- Colon disease
Dog Constipation Treatment
If you’ve determined that theses are root causes of your dog’s constipation then ask your self, does my dog get the proper amount of exercise? If the answer is no, then start planning an activity schedule. Exercise is one of the best ways of improving your dog’s health and bodily functions such as the digestive system in particular. Long walks or games of fetch, for example, improves digestion greatly. This is why constipation is more common among elderly dogs due to their more sedentary lifestyle.
What Happens When A Dog Is Dehydrated And How To Treat It
Under normal conditions, fecal matter passes through your dog’s body during digestion on to the colon where it reacts with the water and extracts electrolytes from the stool mass. Because water is essential to the process of elimination, the second most common reason is dehydration or an imbalance in your dog’s electrolytes. This is why it’s important to pay special attention to your furry friend during the hotter months of the year and to bring a source of water when taking them out for walks.
Gulpy Portable Dog Water Bottle
If feel that the cause of constipation is due to dehydration, increase your dog’s daily water intake. Make sure that they have a constant supply of and easy access to water that’s fresh. Consider mixing small amounts of water in your dog’s food and or feeding them canned food is an additional way of keeping them hydrated during their daily routine. For dogs who have difficulty walking around increasing water intake is fundamentally important since they make less of an effort visiting their water bowl.
Also, make sure not to give your dog foods that are poor in quality. Nutrients are essential to your dog maintaining a gut that’s happy and healthy so questionable ingredients do more harm than help. A fiber-rich diet in addition to vegetables that are fresh is one of the best ways to guarantee, bulky, soft stools that are easy to pass through.
If you have no idea why your dog is constipated, then contact your veterinarian immediately. Do not give your dog any laxatives without the recommendation from a vet. Lastly, although constipation can be totally natural for growing dogs, you can also make efforts to prevent it by making sure that they have plenty of exercise, water, and a healthy diet rich in fiber,